Sunday, April 29, 2012

Life is precious! - Leben ist kostbar!

This post might be a little jumbled - I apologize in advance.

My plan was to post about my last week in Tübingen. I moved out of my apartment yesterday. It was quite emotional - I lived there for the past six years and I love my roommates. We have made many very happy memories in that apartment.

Well, that was my plan anyway. 

My parents came with two cars and a trailer yesterday to help. On the way back to my parents house, after we had packed everything in the two cars, I drove one car with my mom and my dad drove the other with the trailer. 

On the highway we had an accident. Everybody is fine, nobody was hurt, but it was a miracle! A motorcycle crashed into our car. It all happened so fast.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Geographical Center - Geographischer Mittelpunkt

Today is the 60th birthday of Baden-Württemberg, the state I (still) live in. How funny is it, that I went to the  geographical center of Baden-Württemberg yesterday? So, my post for the day is in accordance with the birthday of my state.

The geographical center is right here in Tübingen, but I have never been there before. So, finally, my running partner, Edith, took me there on our run yesterday.

It is actually quite beautiful. The center itself isn't very spectacular, as you can see, it is a stone monument,  but it is surrounded by a little forrest and there is a little stream, which passes it. 

The forrest is called Elysium. It lays in the "Käsenbach"-valley.  It is so quiet that you could forget that you are actually in the middle of a city. We could only here some birds singing, the purl of the little stream, and a woodpecker pecking. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The diet - Die Diät

As I already mentioned in my last blog post, I'm on a diet now. 

I know, I know what (hopefully) most of you are thinking - why am I on a diet. I'm not fat. BUT I'm not 100% happy with my body - and that's why I'm doing it. I've been working out very regularly for quite a while and I did loose some weight already but lately I haven't seen any change. I knew, even though I work out, I had to change the way I eat to see the change I want.
I don't really care how much it shows on the scale but loosing a few inches here and there, lowering my body fat total would really make me happy! 
I'm not ready to show you my "before" pictures because it has only been a week, but I can tell you, I've already lost about 4 pounds, and 1 inch around my waist! And that was only in the first week!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Frankfurt in a day

Yesterday I spent a day in Frankfurt am Main. The morning was spent on the train and in a doctor's office. I had a medical examination for my visa. They checked my vaccination records. - Oh, yeah, after going to my doctor on Tuesday, I had to get a vaccination. Somehow we missed my second shot for measles and mumps. - So at the medical exam everything was fine, nothing exciting happened... There were quite a few people there for the same medical. I'm not the only one planning on moving to a different continent! 
Anyway, the medical part was mostly boring, quite a lot of waiting; good thing I brought a book with me. I'm finally reading The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I've had the books for years but never got around to it.

After the medical I had lunch. That's when the fun part began :-)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Planning a trip to Frankfurt - Einmal nach Frankfurt und zurück

On Thursday I'm going to Frankfurt for my medical examination. 
(For the visa I have to go to a doctor appointed by the American Embassy. There are about six of them in Germany and Frankfurt is the most convenient one for me.)
I went to my doctor in the beginning of March to make sure that I have all the needed vaccinations. Today I checked my vaccination record again, just to be on the sure side, and now I think I'm missing two (measles and mumps)! So, I'll be at my doctors again tomorrow to verify if I still need some or not... 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome - Herzlich Willkommen!

Welcome here on my blog!

Soon I'm moving to Florida to finally live with my husband!
Currently, I live in Germany - in Tübingen, a lovely small town in southern Germany. 

My husband is American. We met eight years ago when I was living in Jacksonville during my year as an Au Pair. 
We got married last year and submitted a petition for my visa - so I can live and work in the US. (Yes, even if you are married to an American, it isn't that easy!)