Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Reasons To Be Happy This Friday - Fünf Gründe, Diesen Freitag Glücklich Zu Sein

Happy Friday!

Let's start with all the happy stuff:

Reason #1 I baked cupcakes last weekend!!! And they were great! At least I thought so! I ate way to many of them... ha ha, I think five all together on Saturday & Sunday! *confession time* Oh well! They were the first cupcakes I baked here in the US. And I took them to a special girl's birthday party. And of course, I had to make sure before hand that they were ok! They were not as sweet. I hardly have any sugar in my daily diet. The recipe called for 2 cups of sugar, and I only used 1 1/2 - I think they turned out great. Anyway, they were chocolate cupcakes filled with cheese cream and chocolate cheese cream frosting!
Who wants the recipe?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Recipe: Lentil Stir Fry with Mushrooms, Spinach and other Veggies - Rezept: Linsenpfanne mit Pilzen, Spinat und anderem Gemüse

This recipe might just become one of my favorites for a rainy fall day - yes, we have them even here in Florida! I adapted it from Noms for the Poor. It really is a great recipe, because it's so nutritious, healthy, tasty and cheap! It's also vegan and gluten-free.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday!

And it is Friday again.

Sunrise at Atlantic Beach

Let me tell you, my morning started off quite interesting!

As usual, I went to work at 5 am. When I opened the door,  it smelled like smoke and it was hazy inside. I called 911 and the police and firemen came. But nothing was on fire inside our space. (We share the building with a few other businesses.) 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Reasons To Be Happy This Friday - Fünf Gründe, Diesen Freitag Glücklich Zu Sein

Smile, it's Friday. Friday afternoon to be exact, and I'm sitting at Starbucks enjoying my latte (with skim milk), while writing my blog.

What are you up to?

Here's my list of five things that made me happy this week:

Reason #1: Last Friday we went to out TacoLu for dinner and drinks with friends. It's an awesome Mexican place here in Jacksonville. It's not a typical Mexican restaurant, more Mexican inspired, but their food is amazing. I cheated a little on my meal. I had their $10-Taco with filet mignon - it's really good. But next time I'll try one of their fancy fish tacos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Septembeard - Septembart

So, it's almost the middle of September already, can you believe it? Time is flying.

Josh, my husband, was asked by someone in his company if he would grow a beard for a cause for the month of September, and of course, he said yes! He loves growing his beard out. Last time, he grew it out I was still living in Germany, and I've only seen it pictures of it.

I'm not really thrilled about the beard, but it is for a good cause, so I'll be a good wife and support him! 

So, this organization Septembeard wants to raise awareness of prostate cancer and wants to find a cure and eradicate it. They are asking men all over the country to grow a beard and raise money for the cause. After all, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men.

This is really close to my heart, too! Only last year my cousin past away because of cancer. He was only 31 and left behind a wife and four children.

I'm glad my husband joined a his company's team to raise awareness and help find a cure for prostate cancer. This is a worthy cause and if you agree, you can donate to their team directly or to the organization. Here's a link to their teams site: Gables Growin' For Good

This is a picture of my husband on September 1st. He was growing his beard for a couple of days already at that point.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recipe: Easy breakfast eggs - Rezept: Einfache Frühstückseier

Breakfast is such an important meal and you should never skip it. Really! It is so important for our bodies to get a healthy meal in the morning!

I'm usually pretty good about it but since I have to be at work by 5 am three times a week it is getting a little harder to eat healthy breakfasts in the early morning. Most early mornings I took Greek yogurt with fruit or oatmeal with me to work which I prepared the night before. But I get bored with food... I don't like eating the same thing every day. So yesterday I thought I'd try something I saw on Pinterest the other day. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Pinterest, it's an online pin board where you can organize what you find online. If you find a website, recipe, picture, song, blog, etc. online, instead of bookmarking it, you can pin it to a board on your pinterest. I love it. I've found quite a few blogs I follow on it. 

But back to the recipe:

Here's a link to Amy's Kitchen Creation blog, where I found the recipe: Eggs for breakfast sandwiches

And here's my attempt:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Five Reason To Be Happy This Friday - Fünf Gründe, Diesen Freitag Glücklich Zu Sein

It's Friday! Starting today I will post five reasons to be happy every Friday. This past week has been great and I have many reasons to be happy and thankful, and I just wanted to share them with you.

Reason # 1: On Monday it was Labor Day and to enjoy our day off, Josh & I went to Little Talbot Island to spend the day at the Beach!

It was great! The sun was shining, (almost) no cloud in the sky and the great thing about Talbot Island State Park beach is that it usually doesn't get that crowded, even on a holiday! On the way to the beach through the marsh we even saw a bunny. Can you find it in the picture?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Recipe: Butternut Squash, Potato & Carrot Soup with Spicy Meatballs - Rezept: Birnenkürbis-, Kartoffel- & Karottensuppe mit Pikanten Fleischbällchen

So, about two weeks ago we signed up for a service that delivers organic veggies and fruits right to your door. It's called Palmetto Organics and our gym has a partnership with them where we get a even better deal! Last week on Monday we received our first delivery. Here is what we got: