Friday, October 19, 2012

Five Reasons To Be Happy This Friday - Fünf Gründe, Diesen Freitag Glücklich Zu Sein

First of all, sorry for not writing last week. I was out of town for work, again, and didn't even have time to open my laptop for a minute.

Let's start with my happy reasons though and I'll tell you about my new job in reason #2.

Reason #1 I won $150 gift card for a Pinterest contest. Pretty cool, huh? It was through the company that manages the apartment complex that we live in. You had to pick one  of the themes and create a board with a minimum of five pins and one of them had to be a picture of oneself holding a sign saying 'I love Gables', that's the company. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Reasons To Be Happy This Friday - Fünf Gründe, Diesen Freitag Glücklich Zu Sein

Happy Friday!
This one will be a shorter post since I'm actually out of town right now. I'm in South Carolina for work, doing a promo for a travel agency. But that's a different story. I still wanted to post my five reasons to be happy.

Sunset here in Myrtle Beach, SC

Reason #1 Our anniversary was last Monday. We've been married one year. I posted about the wedding on Monday, if you missed it, click here. I'm so happy to be married to my husband for over a year and it's been wonderful!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary - Erster Hochzeitstag

Warning: Wedding Pictures Overload

 One year  - Josh and I have been married one year, as of today!

(Don't worry, I'm not actually writing this during our anniversary; I wrote it last week - thanks to the awesome technology of scheduling posts.)

I can't believe it has been a year since our wedding! First, the year went by soooo slow because I had to wait on my visa for forever... or it seemed that way. And now that I've been here since mid-May, and time has been flying.

I'm sooo happy to be married to my best friend. And it has been a wonderful, adventure-filled, fun first year! I'm looking forward to many, many, many more!

Now, let's relive the wedding with some lots of pictures: