Saturday, August 3, 2013

Over One Year

I've been a US resident for over one year already. 
I actually started this post on my one year anniversary here, but didn't have time to finish it.

Sorry for being so quiet lately.

But here is what I wanted to write... a little recap of my first year.

I still remember how nervous I was when the airplane landed in Atlanta and I stood in line for immigration. What if I forgot something, or something goes wrong, I thought.
But I had no problems and was welcomed by a friendly officer.
It was a good first day.
Josh picked me up at the airport and had flowers waiting for me at home.
I was so happy that I didn't have to worry about leaving again.

The first few month just flew by with all the traveling, weddings, tragic and sad death of Aaron, visits from Germany, finding my first job...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Recipe: Baked Eggs with Kale and Tomatoes

It's time to get healthy again! I've not been eating that great lately, life was getting in the way, and with the new job, working full time didn't help. But no more excuses.

After my workout tonight, I had a protein shake with blueberries and kale. It was yummy!

But I needed some dinner! So I wanted to make something quick and healthy. 
I've seen a baked dish with spinach and eggs on pinterest, but I didn't have spinach, just kale. So I changed it up a little bit.

So here you go:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good news - Gute Neuigkeiten

Ok, this has to change. I know... I am posting not enough and way to late, but I will try to get better. I promise.

So, let's get to it: I got a new job!!! Yes, I'm super excited. It's a full time job with a company here in Jacksonville. I work in an office, have my own desk and really nice coworkers. I have to figure out what the ruling is about blogging about them, so that's why I'm not mentioning the name right now, but it's not a secret. If you want to find out more, just send me an email, call, or text :)

My first week at my new job is already over, and it was great. I learned new things, and was able to help out a lot :) And I get to wear cute outfits to work, here's two of my outfits during my first week:

Friday, April 12, 2013

St. Patrick's Day in Savannah!

This year, we ended up in Savannah, GA for some of the St. Patty's Day celebrations. It was one of those things that had been on our bucket list. We actually didn't think that it would happen this year, due to work and busy schedules but then we both were able to have Friday - Sunday off and thought, why not?

Hotel prices were pretty outrages for Saturday, so we decided to stay Friday - Saturday. We asked a friend of ours to join us and found a great deal for The Westin on the river, across from all the action. There's even a ferry to take you to the other side for free.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recipe: Healthy Banana Bread - Rezept: Gesundes Bananenbrot

This banana bread is amazing! I've been making it for a few weeks, and it's gone by the time I remember that I want to take a picture of it for my blog post.

I'm not even sure how I found it anymore, but here's the link to Dairy Free Chick and the original recipe post:

What makes this banana bread healthy is that it has no added sugar, coconut flour is used instead of regular flower, and it doesn't even include dairy (not that I think dairy isn't healthy). 

The first time I made it, I really wasn't so sure. The consistency of the dough is really different from baking with regular flour. But once I took the first bite (when it was cool) - I fell in love! Since we've pretty much eliminated all bread and wheat from our diet, breakfasts have been really hard for me some mornings. I go workout early, and don't have time in between to fix breakfast. Sometimes I don't even go home, and even though I love the egg muffins, they just taste better warm... Plus, the no sugar thing is really not that easy either... 
But once I discovered this recipe... well, let's just say, it really has helped!

I eat it for breakfast, as a snack, or have a little slice in the afternoon with a coffee! Josh, my husband, loves it too! He actually has breakfast if we have some banana bread in the house. He likes to have his with milk (or a protein shake). 

So here it is:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Recipe: Quick Lunch Salad - Creamy Tuna and Bean

So, the other day I got home from work around noon and I was really, really hungry. I didn't have any leftovers, so I got creative.
I've made bean and tuna salads before, but not the creamy kind, but I wanted something a little different.

It's not very pretty, but tastes pretty good

Let's hope I still remember everything I put in:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Five Reasons to be Happy, even though it's not Friday - Fünf Gründe glücklich zu sein, auch wenn es nicht Freitag ist

Even though my resolve to post reasons to be happy on Fridays didn't last very long, I want to keep posting. I'm not sure, if I'll try to revive my Fridays posts, or do something else. And I want to post more recipes for sure. That way, I'll will try more recipes too!

Ok, but here's a few reasons why I have been happy lately:

1. One of the reasons why I haven't been as active on here is that I have been working more. One of my coworkers quit just before Christmas last year, which was an opportunity for me and I'm grateful that my boss trusted me enough to give me more responsibility. I am now titled Social Media Director and Member Service Representative. I love my job and I'm glad I get to be creative everyday!

2. I went to Baton Rouge, Louisiana with Katie the other week. It was a long, long drive, but I always enjoy spending time with her, and I have fun working with her. Here's a picture:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Recipe: Black Bean Soup with Grilled Chicken Breast - Rezept: Schwarze Bohnensuppe mit Hähnchenbrust

It's been a while since I posted a recipe on here...  but this is a good one to start the new year with: Black Bean Soup with Grilled Chicken Breast
Soups are perfect when its colder and rainy, and it has just the right spiciness, I think. It's healthy and filling for a soup. The good thing is you can make more and then just keep the rest refrigerated for 3 days for a second day. I hope you like this one.

Recipe: Black Bean Soup with Grilled/Oven Baked Chicken Breast

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year - Frohes Neues Jahr

Wow, it's 2013. I know I've been quiet on here... Sorry about that. I was just busy and one Friday passed, then another... and so on.

Life is still awesome.

So much has happened since October.... Here's a little review in picture:

Wow, schon ist es 2013. Ich weiß, es war etwas still hier auf meinem Blog... Es war so viel los und dann habe ich einen Freitag verpasst, dann den nächsten und so weiter.

Mein Leben ist immer noch großartig und mir geht es gut.

Hier ist eine Rückschau in Bildern:

I went to the Oktoberfest in Jacksonville, yes in my Dirndl. 

- Ich war bei einem Oktoberfest in Jacksonville in meinem Dirndl!

I carved my first pumpkin!  - Ich habe meinen ersten Kürbis geschnitzt. 

We went to a Halloween party. I made the puking pumpkin and fingers. - Wir waren auf einer Halloween Party. Mein Mitbringsel war der spukende Kürbis und die Würstchenfinger.

Shawn traveled through Iowa. - Shawn und ich sind durch Iowa durchgefahren.

We went to the Navy Pier in Chicago. - Wir waren in Chicago am Navy Pier.

And of course we saw the bean! - Und in Chicago haben wir auch am Cloud Gate (auch gerne The Bean = Die Bohne genannt).

On Thanksgiving I saw a cotton field. - An Thanksgiving habe ich ein Baumwollfeld gesehen. 

I went Black Friday shopping and got some awesome deals.  - Am Black Friday (Tag nach Thanksgiving) war ich einkaufen und habe einige Schnäppchen gefunden.

Shortly after going to Chicago, my husband got a 'timed' promotion. He is managing a property there while the manager is on maternity leave. Pretty awesome chance for him! So he's been going to Chicago on and off for a week. After he came back from the first trip, we went on a date:

Kurz nachdem wir aus Chicago zurückgekommen waren, hat mein Mann eine Beförderung bekommen und zwar für eine Stelle in Chicago. Es ist auf begrenzte Zeit, aber wirklich eine supergute Gelegenheit für ihn. Während die Managerin von dem Apartmentkomplex dort im Mutterschutz ist, ist er jetzt bis Ende Januar/Mitte Februar Manager dort und muss immer wieder nach Chicago für fünf Tage. Um das zu Feiern, waren wir auf einem Date:

And now Simone is here - FINALLY! - Und jetzt ist Simone zu Besuch - ENDLICH!

Christmas Eve - Heilig Abend

Christmas Day Morning! - Weihnachten!

Simone and I cooked Christmas Dinner! - Wir haben an Weihnachten gekocht.

Yummy - Lecker!

Then we went camping! - Dann waren wir campen!

I ended 2012 with a workout. - Am 31. war ich auch noch beim workout.

New Year's Eve - Silvester