Warning: Wedding Pictures Overload
♡ One year ♡ - Josh and I have been married one year, as of today!
(Don't worry, I'm not actually writing this during our anniversary; I wrote it last week - thanks to the awesome technology of scheduling posts.)
I can't believe it has been a year since our wedding! First, the year went by soooo slow because I had to wait on my visa for forever... or it seemed that way. And now that I've been here since mid-May, and time has been flying.
I'm sooo happy to be married to my best friend. And it has been a wonderful, adventure-filled, fun first year! I'm looking forward to many, many, many more!
Now, let's relive the wedding with some lots of pictures:
My friend Nicole, who I met during my Au Pair time in Jacksonville, did my hair and make up. It is such a blessing to have amazing friends like her!
We don't get to see each other as much as we want because we never lived close but our friendship has always been strong.
Thank you again Nicole, for being my friend and for doing such an amazing job with my hair and make up. It turned out better than I imagined it and I felt amazing all day long!
Talking about great friends, meet Simone: My best friend since we've been 11! She was my maid of honor at our wedding. I could have not imagined celebrating such an important day in my life without her, and without all her help and support! I ♡ you!
Thinking back to this day, it makes me smile. I think for a bride I was pretty relaxed and laid back. I enjoyed the time with my friends and family before the wedding. I laughed a lot and gave Nicole a hard time to put my make up on because at times I was laughing so hard we both (almost) cried.

I enjoyed every moment of getting ready for the wedding. I stayed calm until I stepped into my wedding dress.
Of course, my family was there every step of the way to support me! I love them more than words can say and I'm so thankful for them!
I got more and more nervous when we were driving to that little chapel where Josh would see me for the first time.
This moment was priceless! I'm getting goosebumps just remembering it!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I can't describe it - it was amazing!
Enough of me talking though, here are some of my favorite portraits by Isabel Graf, my amazing photographer and lovely cousin! I'm so blessed that I can call her family and that she was my photographer!
Enough of me talking though, here are some of my favorite portraits by Isabel Graf, my amazing photographer and lovely cousin! I'm so blessed that I can call her family and that she was my photographer!
This is probably one of my all time favorite pictures of me. I just remember how happy I felt that day & every time I look at the picture the feeling comes back too! Isabel, you are truly an artist to be able to capture such wonderful feelings!
And if you look closely, you can see that my eye color is not the same...
I'm totally in love with all of the pictures! But the two just above are in my top5 10, I just can't narrow it down to 5... ha ha! I have way to many good ones to choose from! But that's a good problem to have.
And if you look closely, you can see that my eye color is not the same...
I could look at this picture all day long... My husband is seriously good looking!
I'm totally in love with all of the pictures! But the two just above are in my top
And let's continue with our beautiful ceremony at Heilig-Kreuz-Münster in Schwäbisch Gmünd.
We even had some tourists at our wedding.
Can you tell we had fun?
The Family
We had a great time at our reception. Our first dance was to Jason Mraz "Lucky"!
What an amazing day it was!
Our cake was AMAZING! And my roommate made it for us! No, she's not a professional baker but you'd think she was if you tried a piece of that cake!
My sister Romy surprised us with balloons twice! It made the day even more memorable! Thank you so much Romy! I LOVE you! Our family and friends made this day so special for us, each and everyone of you, we're so thankful! I loved and enjoyed every moment of it! It was perfect, better than I imagined!
Now, I'm enjoying my first anniversary... ♡
Heute ist unser erster Hochzeitstag
Keine Sorge, ich schreibe nicht wirklich während unserem Hochzeitstag diesen Blogeintrag. Ich bin gerade dabei, unseren Hochzeitstag zu feiern irgendwo in Orlando.
Da ich letztes Jahr den Blog noch nicht hatte, habe ich mir gedacht, dass der erste Hochzeitstag der perfekte Zeitpunkt um euch allen einige Hochzeitsfotos (noch mal) zu zeigen; nein, das sind noch lange nicht alle, ich musste ganz schön aussortieren...
Ich bin so glücklich mit Josh verheiratet zu sein! Er ist mein bester Freund. Das erste Jahr mit ihm war wunderschön, voller Freude, Abendteuer und schöner Momente. Ich freue mich auf viele, viele Jahre mehr mit Josh! ♡
Leider reicht mir die Zeit nicht aus, hier alles Wort für Wort zu übersetzten, aber ich will auf jeden Fall noch sagen, dass unsere Hochzeit vor allem durch unsere Familien und Freunde zu einem ganz besonderen Tag geworden ist, den wir nie vergessen werden. Es gab so viele schöne Momente und ich habe jeden Moment genossen! Es war die perfekte Hochzeit, sogar besser als ich es mir erträumt habe. Ich bin wirklich dankbar für jeden von euch! Ich ♡ euch!
Alle Fotos von Isabel Graf by Isabel-Graf-Photography
Thanks for the stroll down the Wedding day 1 Oct 2011. It does bring back the very best of memories... Here's to FOREVER for you two! Love, Saundra & Dad/David
ReplyDelete<3 Wow if I look at the pictures it feels like that just happened yesterday. What a great party - what a great couple - what a great location ;-) You were the best bride a maid of honor could ever dream of!!! Josh became a part of the family and I know that Aaron is looking at the pictures today as well - remembering how much fun it was and how grateful we are (and always will be) to know you. Thank you so much for letting us share your special day as your best man and maid of honor!!! Many blessings for your first anniversary day. Love you!! <3
ReplyDeletesuch lovely pictures... I am still so sad we couldn't make it!! I was there in spirit... happy first anniversary, all the best to you and your lovely husband!
ReplyDeleteViele Grüße aus dem Schwabenland :) Jutta