Monday, August 20, 2012

4th of July - 4. Juli

Well, I know that the 4th of July has been over over a month, but in my defense, I didn't have a camera and I had to wait for the pictures!

It was my first 4th of July as a permanent resident in the US. My husband got me the perfect shirt a few weeks before! And we had friends visiting us from Germany.

Krizi and Chris arrived in Jax on the 3rd; they had been on the road for over two weeks, starting their east coast trip in Chicago!

In the morning we enjoyed an all American breakfast with pancakes, eggs and bacon! Not necessarily healthy, but oh so good! It was so good that I don't even have a picture of it! I LOVE breakfast! It's my favorite. Just ask my husband if you don't believe me!

After breakfast we got ready to go to the beach. It was hot and sunny - a typical 4th of July in Florida - perfect for a day at the beach!

We packed a cooler, snacks and a mini-football and off we went!

Photo by Krizi H.

We were all enjoying the sun!

Tambra & me enjoying the sun!
Photo by Krizi

I even painted my nails red and blue! How very patriotic of me :-)

After the beach, we all went out for a nice Japanese dinner, not very American, but we didn't feel like cooking burgers and hot dogs.

Krizi, Chris & me
 Do you like my shirt?

Later we went to the Jacksonville Landing to watch the fireworks. On our way home we picked up a funnel cake - Josh loooooves them! As I said before, it wasn't a healthy day, food wise, but we had a good time! And it's ok to eat all the unhealthy food if you don't overdo it or do it all the time!

Happy (late) Birthday, America!

4. Juli - Der Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitstag

Photo by Krizi, edited with Instagram
Es ist zwar schon über ein Monat her, aber ich bin leider nicht früher dazu gekommen, da ich selber ja keine Kamera hatte und die Fotos auch erst vor kurzem bekommen habe.
(Danke Krizi für die Fotos.)

Dies war mein erster amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitstag als Einwohner hier in den USA und ich wollte es so richtig amerikanisch feiern.

Wir haben mit einem leckeren amerikanischen Frühstück gestartet mit Pancakes (amerikanische Pfannkuchen) & Syrup, Speck und Eier!

Danach sind wir zum Strand. Es war super heiß und sonnig, ein typischer Julitag in Florida!

Nachdem wir den ganzen Nachmittag am Strand waren, sind wir zum Japaner. Dort haben wir ein nicht ganz so typisch-amerikanisches Abendessen gegessen.

Tambra, Josh & me
Photo by Krizi
Um das Feuerwerk anzuschauen sind wir nach Jacksonville Downtown gefahren!

Jacksonville Landing - Photo by Krizi

Zum Abschluss haben wir noch ein "funnel cake", auf Deutsch auch Strauben gennant. Lebensmitteltechnisch war es nicht besonders gesund, aber ich würde sagen, es war ein gelungener Tag!

Funnel Cake - Photo by Krizi

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